Find vulnerable versions of Log4j
This tool does not change anything, it will iterate through the filesystem looking for Java packages and when it finds them it will read the manifest looking for vulnerable versions of Log4J and will report the package that contains them.
To run the tool
sudo ./log4jtool
It doesn’t need full root permissions but root will allow it to read anything it could find. It will search the filesystem for java packages, .Jar files, .War files and .Ear files. It will read the contents looking for instances of Log4j and if it finds them it will read the manifest and compare the versions against known vulnerable versions. It is safe to run and doesn’t modify anything.
The output looks like:
File: /home/spyderbat/test/log4j/log4j-1.2.12.jar contains version: 1.2.12 which is not-vulnerable
File: /home/spyderbat/testx/apache-tomcat-8.5.73/webapps/log4shell-demo.war contains version: 2.14.1 which is vulnerable